Tuesday, March 13, 2012

On the Wagon Again....wow and now its 2012

Well, seems I dropped off the old diet/good food thing 2 years ago according to this blog post. I am back on it again, and have been doing great for 45 days! I'm keeping my food records on an MS Office Calendar on my home computer. It gives me a way to look at my food consumption in a quick glance, and I can more easily keep track of how many days it has been since I committed to the effort.

This year, my decision came during my son's visit in January. He has gone to being a vegetarian. After some good eats cooked by him, and some good food talks, I decided to give it a try. I'm doing a pseudo vegetarian routine. That means I'm going meatless for the most part, but I'm not being anal retentive about if my food is cooked with food that has meat. For example, I made a lasagne that was 1/2 vegetarian and 1/2 meat. One side for me, one side for the husband. It also means that I will eat a little bit of meat once in a while. The emphasis is NOT VERY OFTEN. After seeing the news story about how red meat daily really messes with your health and shortens your life, its given me even more reason to continue.

Finding this blog post today, however, also shows me that I really start struggling with diet changes when I get to this 45 day mark. I have to admit that its been harder lately than it was a couple weeks ago. The temptation came after I ended up eating a school lunch. That was my first dip back into junky food...yup, a junk food school lunch of processed tacitos. I ate it cuz the school cook had saved it for me and other coworkers that were in a long meeting that went thru the lunch period. Anyway...that was last week, and I had an entire week of struggles. I started out each morning with a good oatmeal breakfast. Lunch was intermittently either okay or on target, and then the afterwork drive to my next location would hit and I would have the munchies. From munchies to dinner, my will power would fade. Next thing I knew, I'd gone off my track. The good news is that I KNEW I was, and so I'd try to make some error corrections. Those would be my personal interventions during the "not quite right" meal, by taking smaller portions and eating less. So...even though I deviated, I still made the effort to steer myself back towards my goal. I may have missed the mark, but instead of being miles from it with a zillion extra calories, I kept the "damage" to more of a minimum.

So...here I am today....and, I've been walzing on the edge of falling off. Again it was that after work travel time where I get the munchies. I have to come up with a plan to address that.

I am back, working my way again thru a commitment to good, healthy eating and losing/shedding pounds. Hope that I keep this one going all year.... Later.

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